Eugena Pilek Swart is a landscape design consultant and fine gardener certified and formally trained by the New York Botanical Garden. She is a licensed Home Improvement contractor, published author, and general “gardenista” with a booted foot in all aspects of growing, from sustainable garden design to seasonal plant-based crafts. Like all passionate gardeners, she is constantly learning and keeps abreast of the latest organic gardening practices and design trends. Her background in literature and art history inspires her unique approach to garden design, which she believes should go beyond “beauty-meets-function” to capture a personal narrative or paint a personally-inspired view. “If we connect with plants, as living art, on an inspired personal level, it leads to healthier gardens that support our environment, saving us time and money along the way. Know what you grow!”
Eugena offers seasonal workshops and is available as a garden club or gathering special guest, providing instruction and inspiration for DIY garden projects and botanical crafts.